Monday, September 13, 2004

Sharpen your AIM ;)

I just stumbled across a youth outreach project that I'm really excited about: The Pledge 04

The pledge itself:
I'm Young.
I Vote.
I'm NOT Voting Bush.
The mandate:
The 18-24 youth demographic in polls is consistently beating Bush, but this demographic is also the least likely to vote. We are trying to get as many people as possible to Pledge to NOT VOTE BUSH and then we will work towards making sure these people GET OUT AND VOTE!
The way it works:
1. Go to the Pledge04 site and sign the pledge.

2. Get your friends to take the pledge.

3. Pledge04 will remind you about deadlines for voter registration, absentee ballots, and when and where to vote. In other words, they'll help Get Out Our Vote.
It's a good project that looks well-designed and executed, but I am most excited about is their blitzkreig approach to promotions. They offer:
A selection of Linked Graphics for your website

AIM Buddy Icon

They're working on E-cards.

They also have Downloadable Flyers and suggestions on adding the pledge to your Email Signature and how to host a pledge party.
I think the AIM Icon is especially brilliant. I would love to see the same promotional features available from the Virginia Young Democrats (Dominic? Peter?) or the Democratic Party of Virginia (Laura?). I was happy to discover that that icons (AIM and MSM), web banners, and logos, as well as desktops, are all available from the Kerry campaign website.

You'll note I've added the logos to C101--go on and add them to your personal pages, too; AND, update your messenger icon (this is really just an extension of what Teresa wrote on the C101 list earlier); AND, sign up and get your friends who are 18-24 to take the pledge.

And then brag to me about it so I know how hard you've been working. :)